Youth Exchange
Austria, September 18 - 28 2017
The project, “Interventions” brought together 36 young people from Austria, Macedonia, Greece, Romania, Poland and Portugal to discover together that we can communicate without using verbal communication. During the youth exchange non-verbal language and art have been used as a tool in breaking stereotypes supporting the integration process of the refugees in the local community.
Participants could experience that art is bringing people closer and is opening doors for communication, helping individuals opening up to the world, art offers self-discovery, helps with the self-confidence and brings new perspectives to the understanding of the world.
The idea of the project was to create an environment where there are no language barriers, the common language being art in its various representations, where people are feeling free to express themselves and will be created a bridge between the community and the participants/refugees.
The project was separated in 3 parts: Breaking stereotypes, communication through arts and street performances. The street performances were short interventions in the community in this way facilitating the communication and connection between the participants/refugees and the locals.
The participants together with the refugees and the team leader created a final performance which took place in Stockschloss, Trofaiach. They prepared for the public a theater performance combined with juggling, music improvisation, and dancing. There was also a photo exhibition and local sweets from the countries of the participants.