The REMCREAD project is dedicated to fostering the empowerment of refugee and migrant women by providing them with training, mentoring, and networking opportunities. This initiative is designed to support their journey towards sustainability and self-fulfillment. Through the innovative workshop phase of the project, participants will have the chance to conceive and develop projects across diverse sectors including food, fashion, and technology. Utilizing creative methodologies, these workshops will serve as a platform for these women to articulate their unique voices and display their abilities and talents, contributing to the rich tapestry of the European Union.
Together we will be working on the following results in the next 2 years:
1. Innovative and Creative Workshops
2. Digital Literacy In-Training Service
3. Digital Exposition for Refugee and Migrant Women's Creative Work Output
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Kick-off meeting
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LTTA Palermo
Fundacja dla Somalii - Polen
InterAktion - Verein für ein interkulturelles Zusammenleben - Österreich
Le Monde Des Possibles - Belgien
CPIA Nelson Mandela Palermo - Italien
Fundacja PCKK Edukacja i Rozwoi - Polen
Cyprus Third Age Observatory - Zypern
Projektnummer: 2023-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000156610
Projektlaufzeit: 1.11.2023 - 31.10.2025